June 4, 2005
One response to Week 23: Double take on the deadlift
Under the Bar is 21 years, 9 months and 29 days old with 462 posts, 329 photos, 108 video clips (363 M worth) and a bunch of comments.
Kris: Hi Bobby, Thanks for the feedback and sorry for the slow reply. I just came back from a few weeks at...
Bobby: wow nice work. I really enjoyed seeing how you built it from start to finish. i am thinking of making...
Anna: This is a disgraceful photo! This is indeed a chimpanzee and it is being full exploited fyi. Shameful. ...
The making of an outdoor power rack and heavy-duty bench
Alex: Hi Kris, Rack update - I was wandering around my father-in-law's yard and...
Tobias H: Just scanning thru and alltough these are brake drums, I doubt they are for cars because of their size. I...
©Kristoffer Lindqvist, 2003-2025
E-mail: kris@tsampa.org
June 20th, 2005 at 12:54 am
Nice camera work, Kris… Your form was fairly decent on the 287 and 298. You push your hips through nicely at the top of the lift. You just need to be a bit more fluid as there’s a slight hitch in between where your hamstrings give out and your glutes/lower back kick in.