January 8, 2006
4 responses to Week 1, part II: Manta Ray… all the way
Under the Bar is 21 years, 9 months and 8 days old with 462 posts, 329 photos, 108 video clips (363 M worth) and a bunch of comments.
Kris: Hi Bobby, Thanks for the feedback and sorry for the slow reply. I just came back from a few weeks at...
Bobby: wow nice work. I really enjoyed seeing how you built it from start to finish. i am thinking of making...
Anna: This is a disgraceful photo! This is indeed a chimpanzee and it is being full exploited fyi. Shameful. ...
The making of an outdoor power rack and heavy-duty bench
Alex: Hi Kris, Rack update - I was wandering around my father-in-law's yard and...
Tobias H: Just scanning thru and alltough these are brake drums, I doubt they are for cars because of their size. I...
©Kristoffer Lindqvist, 2003-2025
E-mail: kris@tsampa.org
February 20th, 2006 at 10:29 pm
The squats are certainly looking a lot more comfortable than a few months ago.
February 20th, 2006 at 10:36 pm
Well, I’m not trying to squat equipped style anymore by sitting back a lot to achieve vertical shins. Allowing the knees to come forward a bit makes more sense for a raw squatter plus it makes it easier for me to stay more upright. I squatted rock bottom with a close stance before I became a powerlifter 2 years, 9 months and 6 days ago, so no surprise that my body found the groove quickly. Come to think of it, it is 15 years since I did my first squats now. Sheesh.
February 21st, 2006 at 6:58 am
Holy crap! That’s right… It’s been what - 12-13 years since we started at Gold’s in Matinkylä..?
February 21st, 2006 at 9:02 pm
Right on the money. Pulled out my old workout notes and it appears the first workout at Gold’s was on January 25th, 1994. We did three sets of squats with 80 kg/177 lbs (partials, I only used about 50 kg/111 lbs in my home gym for full squats at the time), two sets of leg presses, two sets of leg extensions with toes pointed, two sets of leg extensions with toes back, three sets of standing leg curls and two sets of stiff-legged deadlifts. My notes state that the intensity was pretty low as we had no idea what weights we should be using on some of the exercises. My first workout ever was forearms on January 27th, 1999. Trained at home and at Toffe’s Gym before our first epic gym training, but I recall you trained at Tapiola Gym before this. Memories…
Some of my weights from the first weeks at Gold’s: bench 5 @ 60 kg/133 lbs, behind the neck press in the smith 3 @ 40 kg/88 lbs, shrugs 12 @ 75 kg/166 lbs, preacher curls 6 @ 25 kg/55 lbs, wide-grip pulldowns 4 @ 65 kg/144 lbs and hack squats 8 @ 100 kg/221 lbs. For some reason, hehe, all these sets list at least two forced reps… The intensity we had back then would kill me, well perhaps not at those weights… We moved up rapidly in results after this though.