Without further academic analysis, here are the results. A HUGE thanks to everyone who participated. Next year again perhaps?
1. Where do you live?
Africa |
(0) |
Antartica (really!?) |
(0) |
Asia |
(0) |
Australia/Oceania |
  7.1% |
(1) |
Europe |
  42.9% |
(6) |
North America |
  50.0% |
(7) |
South America |
(0) |
  100.0% |
14 |
2. Gender
male |
  92.9% |
(13) |
female |
  7.1% |
(1) |
  100.0% |
14 |
3. Your age
under 20 |
  7.1% |
(1) |
20-29 |
  42.9% |
(6) |
30-39 |
  28.6% |
(4) |
40-49 |
  14.3% |
(2) |
50-59 |
(0) |
60-69 |
  7.1% |
(1) |
older than 69 |
(0) |
  100.0% |
14 |
4. If you have a journal or homepage that you would
like me to know about, please enter the address here
# |
Response |
1 |
display&num=1101610639 |
1 |
http://liftingheavy.blogspot.com/ |
1 |
http://www.99shadesofgrey.com/fitness/ |
1 |
http://www.celestialstudios.ca/~rstinn/ |
5. What strength sports, if any, are you currently
engaged in?
Powerlifting |
  78.6% |
(11) |
Olympic lifting |
(0) |
Strongman |
  7.1% |
(1) |
Highland games |
(0) |
Bodybuilding |
  21.4% |
(3) |
Weight training for sports (martial arts, hockey... and so
on) |
  35.7% |
(5) |
Other: basketball, baseball, football, bowling |
  7.1% |
(1) |
6. Training experience in strength sport(s) checked
None |
(0) |
Less than a year |
  14.3% |
(2) |
1-3 years |
  35.7% |
(5) |
4-9 years |
  14.3% |
(2) |
Over 10 years |
  35.7% |
(5) |
  100.0% |
14 |
7. What strength sports, if any, have you competed
Powerlifting |
  42.9% |
(6) |
Olympic lifting |
(0) |
Strongman |
(0) |
Highland games |
(0) |
Bodybuilding |
(0) |
Other: bowling, baseball, football |
  7.1% |
(1) |
Other: kickboxing |
  7.1% |
(1) |
8. How did you first find out about Under the
Search engine (Google, Yahoo etc.) |
  57.1% |
(8) |
Link from another site or blog |
  7.1% |
(1) |
Online discussion forum |
(0) |
Someone told me about it |
  14.3% |
(2) |
Stumbled on it while surfing a non-training section of
tsampa.org |
(0) |
Can't recall |
  14.3% |
(2) |
Other: link form your comment on my blog |
  7.1% |
(1) |
  100.0% |
14 |
9. Roughly how long have you been a reader?
less than a month |
  7.1% |
(1) |
1-6 months |
  35.7% |
(5) |
7-12 months |
  21.4% |
(3) |
more than a year |
  35.7% |
(5) |
I'm not a reader |
(0) |
  100.0% |
14 |
10. Have you read the whole blog (archives)?
Yes |
  57.1% |
(8) |
No |
  42.9% |
(6) |
  100.0% |
14 |
11. Do you think you will still be reading Under the
Bar 6 months from now?
Yes |
  85.7% |
(12) |
Maybe |
  14.3% |
(2) |
No |
(0) |
  100.0% |
14 |
12. Which of the following best describes how you
check Under the Bar for updates?
I use the RSS feed or a web service |
(0) |
I browse in once a day or so |
  35.7% |
(5) |
I browse in a few times a week |
  50.0% |
(7) |
I don't visit so often, so there is usually something there
whenever I visit |
  14.3% |
(2) |
  100.0% |
14 |
13. Which of the following best describes how you
read Under the Bar?
I read all or most posts regardless of topic |
  71.4% |
(10) |
I scan most posts for valuable powerlifting information
skipping the personal ramblings |
  7.1% |
(1) |
I read the personal ramblings, but tend to skip the
powerlifting mumbojumbo |
  14.3% |
(2) |
I occasionally check what's up front and might occasionally
read a post or two |
  7.1% |
(1) |
I don't actually read anything, but the pictures are nice |
(0) |
  100.0% |
14 |
14. Have you ever contacted the blog author via
e-mail or blog comments?
Yes |
  35.7% |
(5) |
No |
  64.3% |
(9) |
  100.0% |
14 |
15. Do you watch the video clips?
Yes, all or most of them |
  50.0% |
(7) |
Yes, sometimes |
  42.9% |
(6) |
No |
  7.1% |
(1) |
  100.0% |
14 |
16. How true are these statements on a scale from 1
to 5? (1=Strongly Agree 2=Agree 3=Undecided 4=Disagree 5=Strongly
Average rank |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
Under the Bar is a trustworthy source of
powerlifting information |
(2.0) |
The blog entries are excellently
written |
(2.1) |
The minimalistic web page design is
nice |
(2.1) |
Under the Bar is an important part of my surfing
habits |
(1.8) |
Presented links usually point to highly
interesting material |
(2.1) |
The photos complement the entries
excellently |
(1.9) |
17. What is best about Under the Bar?
# |
Response |
1 |
Da hjuumaa dät kän pii gliind in pitwiin da lains... |
1 |
easy reading, regular, truthful, informative |
1 |
Following your workouts and progress. |
1 |
I love the videos and excellent powerlifting ideas. |
1 |
i'm always interested in reading other peoples lifting
experiences |
1 |
Ideas for new exercises, and interesting discussion on exercise
technique. The videos are also superb, and have clarified exercises
on a couple of occasions; as well as being an excellent way of
showing progress. |
1 |
It gives an inspirational view of a fellow weightlifter trying
to get stronger. |
1 |
It is by and for the average serious trainee. It is
intersesting seeng how the average lifter uses and progresses on
various programs. |
1 |
It is good to hear from someone that is struggling to recover
from a serious injury (I've had 3 back surgeries). |
1 |
The wealth of information, rare video clips, and author's true
take on workouts and ideas. |
1 |
Your thought process and videos are awesome. I'm not a
professional powerlifter, so to see someone going through what I'm
going through complete with videos is invaluable. And your
craftiness with building things and the articles about back rehab
are a must read. I have saved everthing off this site into a
weightlifting archive on CD, it's a keeper. |
18. How, if at all, has Under the Bar influenced your
# |
Response |
1 |
As I train (usually alone) in my home-gym the blog motivates to
put in the extra effort on days when the weights are extra
heavy. |
1 |
Have incorporated some Westside ideas as a result of what I
have seen on the site. |
1 |
I actually use the 4 day westside schedule that you use because
of how it was layed out on the site. Has worked great |
1 |
I have learned a lot about basic powerlifting training and
theories, like the Westside protocol. Plus, I get great ideas for
new exercises to spice up my workouts. The videos are very helpful
for learning proper form of these new exercises. |
1 |
It got me interested in Westside philosophy. |
1 |
It has been through the author that I have acquired what I
think is the most informative and interesting powerlifting training
video I have ever seen. Without this website I would have never
even known about the training program! |
1 |
more good exercises and how to do them. less self-pity |
1 |
Nja, int så mycki men det visste du väl. =) |
1 |
nothing yet, but i'm new :) |
1 |
See above. I also want to do grip work like you do, too, and
that Prilepin Program works awesome - - - I used it to increase my
T-bar row from 105 lbs to almost 170 over the course of 4 months.
The charts of your use of several Westside splits have also hone my
training. |
1 |
Under the Bar has demonstrated the benefits of regular training
over a period of time, which helps to provide motivation for my own
training. |
19. How could Under the Bar be improved? Comments on
anything from content to web design appreciated.
# |
Response |
1 |
Cannot think of anything. |
1 |
Cna't think of anything off the top of my head. It is easy to
navigate, interesting, and frequently updated. No complaints
here! |
1 |
I am no specialist at this but I think the website is great. It
is defintly the best of all powerliting websites, and that is the
truth. I've looked at most of them but tsampa.org is the best
looking, most organized, and most informative. |
1 |
I can't think of a single thing. It's the most organized and
informative blog I have read, and one of the websites I read
most. |
1 |
I wouldn't change much, perhaps a forum can be added |
1 |
maybe training with some more advanced lifter, and his
comments. some comparison between different training styles like
russian and westside ym. on beginner lifter. something about
longterm phases, and how do them like perusvoimakausi,
maksimikausi, vakautusjakso |
1 |
The blog is already excellent, though a few things which could
be considered are : provision of a search engine (for blog entries)
information regarding the author's current stats and goals links to
similar blogs - in a single place (in addition to the current
mention in various posts) Honestly though, I love the blog the way
it is - and wouldn't feel an urgent need to change anything at
all. |
20. Could you consider training with the author if
you were to meet?
But of course! |
  78.6% |
(11) |
Maybe |
  14.3% |
(2) |
No |
  7.1% |
(1) |
  100.0% |
14 |
21. What is your preferred prize if you win the
Captains of Crush gripper, Trainer |
  7.1% |
(1) |
Captains of Crush gripper, I |
  7.1% |
(1) |
Captains of Crush gripper, II |
  7.1% |
(1) |
Captains of Crush gripper, III |
  7.1% |
(1) |
Captains of Crush gripper, IV |
(0) |
A pair of minibands (jumpstretch) |
  21.4% |
(3) |
Roman: The Training of the Weightlifter (translated Russian
manual recommended by Westside Barbell) |
  21.4% |
(3) |
Westside Barbell T-shirt (size asked if you win) |
  21.4% |
(3) |
  92.9% |
14 |