"Have a nice picture, make wallpaper" is all the introduction these wallpapers need. I am making them available in a wide range of resolutions from 640x480 up to 1920x1440. Windows users can easily see what resolution they are running by right-clicking on the desktop and selecting properties from the pop-up menu that appears, then choosing the 'settings' tab.
Dark and heavy, a medieval
iron owl from hell is lurking in the shadows. In daylight, the owl is actually
a candle lantern made of tin that I found at our summer cottage and took
outside for a quick spin at the end of the pier after midnight one August
night. Eerie howls!
1920x1440 |
1800x1350 |
1152x864 |
1024x768 |
800x600 |
Die-hard sushi fanatics fall in
line! At ease.
This shot carries fond memories of my 30th birthday, where
unsuspecting visitors were greeted by a table inhabited by maguro nigiri,
tekkamaki, wasabi, gari and whatnot from Sushikeisari. It has been lightened
considerably to create one sweet sushi dream. Kanpai!
1920x1440 |
1800x1350 |
1152x864 |
1024x768 |
800x600 |
A wooden camel photographed standing on a wooden shelf
illuminated by several electrical lights in the evening (the wall is actually
white). Well-suited for the semi-cluttered desktop as the camel can appear
unobstructed with all icons to the left.
1920x1440 |
1800x1350 |
1152x864 |
1024x768 |
800x600 |
A close-up of our ginger bread house anno
2003. An excellent choice for the holiday season (duh!).
1920x1440 |
1800x1350 |
1152x864 |
1024x768 |
800x600 |